Who We Are

We aim to restore hope and develop people to a point of self-reliance. We exist to transform the lives of the destitute and vulnerable in South Africa through our Education, Health and Training projects.



Our Mission is to transform the lives of the destitute, forgotten and vulnerable in South Africa through educational, health and training projects.


Our Vision is to restore hope and develop people to a point of self-reliance

Core Organisational Values

Teamwork | Integrity | Compassion | Stewardship | Professionalism | Loyalty

Educare & High School


Teach & Equip

Themba Training

Helping New Mothers

Mama Themba

Connecting people

Themba Connect

Thembalitsha was founded to empower South African people and develop them to a place of self-reliance.

Kate Pienaar Christie

Great staff. Great management. The foundation is doing an amazing job in helping and uplifting the community.

Pinky Ngcuka

Thembalitsha does what it says it does: renews hope by providing health, education and training to those in greatest need.

Helen Baxter-Southworth
Make a difference

Sponsor A Desk

Did you know that you can change a life with only R250 / $20 / £10 a month. Join the Thembalitsha Foundation in restoring hope and transforming lives by sponsoring a desk for our Health, Education and Training initiatives.

National High School Retention Rate
National University Retention Rate
National Employment Rate
School of Hope Retention Rate
We are hope restorers

We are Thembalitsha

The Thembalitsha Foundation has been working with communities in South Africa since 1997, inspiring change and offering a hand-up rather than a hand-out. We are a diverse team of people, committed to addressing the socio-economic challenges of the poor, vulnerable and marginalised people of the Western and Eastern Cape, through healthcare, education and training.

Our core values are: Teamwork, Integrity, Compassion, Stewardship, Professionalism and Loyalty

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When translated from Xhosa, our name “Thembalitsha” means “new hope”.

Our Aim

At Thembalitsha, we aim to restore and bring a new sense of hope to the destitute, forgotten and vulnerable people of the Western and Eastern Cape.